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Thursday, June 30, 2005

airplane info

i know i posted earlier, but i had the idea to tell you about my airport expeirience(spell?). i got to KCI airpost with my mom around 615-630 tuesday morning. we had a small wait, since our flight was at 830, but that was okay. i knitted and listened to music while we waited. we then flew to the chicago o'hare airport, where we had to trek to our terminal. when we reached the terminal, we found out that the planes had all been delayed because of the weather. instead of taking off at 1130, we were delayed an hour. when the plane finally arrived, we got on and went off to washington. upon arriving at ronald reagan airport, an hour late, we retrived our luggage and searched for Laura Warren. mom had to call Rosetta at the hotel and ask if they had seen Laura. we even had her paged at the airport! finally we grabbed a taxi and headed to the hotel. we entered the washington hilten to find one Laura sitting in the lobby using her laptop. apparently, some of the rooms werent ready yet, and so Laura was waiting to be able to go to her room. mom and i got our keys and headed up. after settling in, we had to go to the USWD suite for a meeting of sorts. then we just hung out and went to dinner. okay, theres my update for the trip. byes!! -celia

im here!!!

it is day three of the trip, and i am in the Tech room writing this lovely post. havent really been doing much, went swimming yesterday with mom. we went to this yummy mexican place down the street. (cant remember the name) i finished my lovely pink hat the other day, and now im doing arm warmies. so now im just hanging out with sue ann's son kynan, and he is currently being weird. ^_^ will post again soon!! byes!! -celia

Monday, June 27, 2005


less than twelve hours until we take off on a plane to washington d.c.! (really, its a plane to chicago, then a different plane to washington, but thats just a technicality.) im really excited, i just hope that the airport lets me bring my metal circular knitting needle on the plane. i really hope they do. well, i need to go, have to finish up bedtime stuff. so i will see everyone sometime tomorrow!! byes! -celia

Sunday, June 26, 2005

one more day...

tuesdays the day! i just found out today that when we arrive in d.c., we are going to wait for laura warren to fly in (about 1/2 hour after us), and then we will all go to the hotel together. im fine with that, cause if laura bring caroline, i can see her! well, need to go finish packing suitcase and carry-ons, so i will see everyone in a couple days! byes! -celia

Thursday, June 23, 2005


i'm so freaking excited about the trip!!!! less than a week, but i still want it to go by faster. it will be so much fun. can't wait. mom's sort of dreading this weekend, since it's gonna be the last good time to pack our stuff. we haven't even started yet. it's gonna be hell this weekend having to get everything together, packed, and prepared for tuesday(flight day). we have our flight from KCI at 830am, a layover in chicago at 1000am, leaving chicago at 1100am, and arriving in washington at 200pm. then we take a taxi or something to the hotel. i can't wait for the plane, since i lovelovelove taking plane trips. i feel calm when i'm on a plane. you don't have to bumping of a car ride, or the speed of train. it's nice. well, i need to go. will post later! byes! -celia

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

one week

i have exactly one week until i leave!!! yay! *dances around happily* ok, being weird. well, thats all i can post now, since i need to clean my room before i go out. ill post again soon! byes. celia

Friday, June 17, 2005


i really need to get started packing for the trip... i have done absolutely nothing. i'm thinking about getting one of those travel Scrabble games for the plane, but i dunno. i still want some bamboo or plastic knitting needles for the plane ride out, so i'm going to need to find a way to get those. i also need to finish my hat, since i'm using metal needles, and i can't take those on the plane. sooooo... yeah. gonna go now, since i have homework to do. byes! -celia

Monday, June 13, 2005

update 6/13

i haven't really been doing much with preparing for conference, cause i've been busy with other stuff. but i am thinking about it. there's been this talk on the LLLI kids list about doing a quilt swap, but i'm SO not interested. boring... ok, well, that's it for today. byes! -celia

Friday, June 10, 2005


yes, i am back!!! after... *pauses to check date*... FIVE DAYS, i have returned!!! yeah..... okay. on with the post! lol. i'm thinking about doing the Chance to Dance Teens session, along with Opera, Drama, and the plate decorating session on the last day. i'm also gonna do some of the Rejuvination activites, like artist things, crafts, knitting, henna(YES!! i can't wait!!!), and the Beautification 101 session. i dunno. is there anyone who is going who would want to walk with me to some of them? contact me if you're interested! i think that's all right now, so i will post again another time. byes... celia

Sunday, June 05, 2005


it's been a while since i posted, so here's a new post! i'm not really doing much with planning LLLI, or even getting ready. i'm just hanging out waiting for the end of the month. although i guess i am finding stuff to bring with me so i don't get super bored. like more video games, and knitting projects, and books!!! yay books! *smiles* so yeah. i just want the time to go by faster. i can't wait for the 27th!!! i'm gonna go now, so byes! -Celia